CCC Acoustic Band

by - Friday, September 12, 2014

With my band members
Hi! Didn't I tell you that I knew how to play a guitar? I just know the basics though, not really the hardcore fingering stuff.

I joined a band. Well, it wasn't really a "joined a band" thing but rather, I auditioned for an acoustic band contest together with my office-mates in our department. I got chosen as one of the guitarists - which shocked me, I wasn't expecting that - of that acoustic band to represent our company in a inter-company Friendship Game Competition.

I wasn't the one who took those photos. I just post-processed them, hence, I want you to see our costumes tehee~. Our manager said he wanted us to package as highschoolers. So there goes our photos, please enjoy.

Our vocalists

The Guitarists: Me as Rhythm with our Lead Guitarist

Our Maracas and Beatbox players

We got the 2nd place. Although we didn't win, it was already a big achievement for us starters. And to be able to compete with the seniors is such an honor already. I am really proud of us... and to myself.


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