
About me
Hi! I am Edjellen (Edj for short). A twenty-something lady with a variety of interests. I am the queen of procrastination that's why I can't update this blog regularly. An aspiring photographer, I like to experiment photos taken in natural light and now I am in love with portraits and bokeh. I am also pretty talented with drawing and digital editing; Adobe Photoshop, my best friend for life. Extremely addicted to manga and anime, I wasted all my living years to that but as I always say, 'time you enjoy wasting is not a wasted time' so yeah whatever. A graduate of BSIT course, I have a background with programming and web developing but my passion didn't last on that. A proud mother of my multi-talented son whom God blessed me with last 2009. I have no talent on cooking so I am feeling lucky to have a partner who loves that side of area.

What will you mostly find on my blog?
Well as my blog title goes, it's all about my crazy topsy-turvy life. It is most likely an online diary, sometimes I rant, then the next I ramble about nothing worthy... really a random blog. Basically a glimpse of my varied interests; photography, anime, manga, drawing, editing, designing, digital art, vanity moments, modeling, beauty regimes, places I travel, about my friends and family.. anything! I do hope you'll enjoy my blog as I enjoy it myself.
