Sutla Flawless Noni Mangosteen & Collagen with Multi-fruit Soaps review
Would you agree that one of women's weaknesses is their looks? We, women would splurge our money on cosmetics, creams, perfumes, clothes, and other beauty products. But as much as we love to beautify ourselves, we need to be conscious about our wallet.
My face has been blemish and acne free for quite some time now until my beloved soap's magic stopped working. I've been using Topgel Papaya soap to make my skin acne-free for a year now. But one day I noticed it has lost its power the same as what happened to my previous facial cleansers. Maybe our skin adapts to our new lifestyle or due to our age or outgrows our usual product? Anyhoo, I started using Kojic soap that my sister has been using. I was using it for a week. I noticed my 4 pimples started to multiply, it was a horror! Maybe what works on my sister won't work on me. I searched for organic treatments online. I found my classmate selling Sutla products. It had nice feedback on her customers so I decided to try. I bought one each of Sutla Flawless Noni Mangosteen which costs 40php and Collagen with Multi-fruit which costs 95php. My aim is not my skin to be fairer (I don't have complaints on my complexion), but to have a blemish-free face. But these soaps also claims to be able to whiten your complexion.
Sutla Collagen with Multi Fruit Soap cover |
Collagen with Multi Fruit Soap description |
Sutla Flawless Noni-Mangosteen Soap description |
Sutla Flawless Noni-Mangosteen Soap cover |
Saturday, Apri 5, 2014 I tried to apply these soaps. I was clearly instructed to use Noni only on my face to cure pimples then Collagen next (may be applied to the body). I had a tingling sensation on my face and my lips itched. For a second I thought I might be having allergies and went to panic mode but my friend told me that it is just a natural reaction for my face is adapting to the soap. The after effect of the soaps amazed me. I felt my skin tightened and shined (literally) like I was putting a peeling mask on my face. It felt incredible which prompted me to order another set of soaps for stock purposes. My friend claims that these soaps are in demand and are always out of stock. My hubby also used them. He was also amazed by the aftereffect of the soaps. He even took my soaps with him to Cebu.
Monday, April 7, 2014 Hubby sent me a text message that he was shocked to see his face all white. He said that it was like he got hit by a truck full of [face] powder. He disliked it and thought that made his skin dry so he bought a moisturizer to neutralize the effect.
Tuesday, April 8, 2014 My cheeks stung like hell. I think it was irritated because it was red too. My hubby also noticed it and suggested to stop using both soaps to let my skin rest and just use cold water to cleanse instead.They started to peel by afternoon. I was attending our son's graduation, so I had a CC Cream on to mask the redness away but the peeling was obvious. My hubby also complained about the burning sensation.
Thursday, April 10, 2014 The redness and sting were gone but the peeling is still there. I went on using both soaps again. Noni first then Collagen next. That was my ritual in the morning and evening.
I've been using the soaps for a week now then noticed that my pimples are still there and even multiplied. But what's worse is that my pores started to get bigger too. They're very noticeable now even under a CC cream. And they're even on my nose! I've never had problems with my nose. Now there are blackheads starting to sprout and pores showing up. This is an emergency!!! Seven hells!
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The pores on my cheeks started to get worse day by day (no cc cream) |
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I'm getting blackheads and whiteheads on my nose now (no cc cream) |
Maybe this is just the beginning? My skin is just pushing out those germs outside my body? lol. My hubby is not having issues like this though. He has less acne problems now. But he said he was only using Noni soap for the Collagen Mutli-fruit made his skin whiter than the flour.
Fragrance additives are known for not only causing skin to become dry and irritated, in some cases they can actually irritate respiratory issues.
I think the soaps didn't work on me. Or maybe I overused it? It made my skin too dry so the pores are now gigantic? I have stopped using the Collagen Multi-fruit on my face for 2 days now. I'm using only Noni Mangosteen on my face. I'm giving it until 6 weeks. It is said that give your new product/routines 6 weeks, if that product didn't work on you then it's time to dispose it. I'm crossing my fingers. I hope by the 2nd week, my pimples would be gone and my pores would shrink.
My knowledge on Collagen is that it boosts skin elasticity, prevents wrinkles, helps tissue growth, and is widely used by most women in Japan to maintain a youthful skin. In this site, Collagen offers a wide variety of skin benefits, but the benefits vary depending upon environmental factors and how your body accesses collagen.Some products make extreme claims about their benefits, and applying collagen directly to the skin is unlikely to yield many benefits. The benefits of collagen:"The mangosteen rind, leaves and bark have been used as folk medicine for thousands of years. The thick mangosteen rind has been and is used for treating catarrh, cystitis, diarrhea, dysentery, eczema, fever, intestinal ailments, pruritis and other skin ailments. The mangosteen leaves are also used by some natives in teas and for diarrhea, dysentery, fever, and thrush. It is also known that concentrates of mangosteen bark can be used for genito-urinary afflictions and stomatosis."
"Collagen helps your skin maintain its elasticity. This prevents your face from developing wrinkles every time you make an expression and accounts for the youthful appearance of younger skin.Collagen is a popular wrinkle filler with effects that can last for months. Collagen can also be used as a filler for scars, particularly those caused by acne."
So I'm keeping my hopes up until the 6th week. I'm also planning to buy Etude Wonder Pore Freshner tomorrow. This product also has many successful stories online about minimizing pores. I'm going to add it to my regimen. I never use toners, so maybe this is the start. And oh yes, moisturizers too. I've found out today its importance. Please wish me luck huhu.
By this experience on my 1st week, I was using BOTH soaps on the same time so my rating would be ★★☆☆☆.
The results of the soaps mentioned above may vary per person. What doesn't work on mine may work on yours. Feel free to try.
By this experience on my 1st week, I was using BOTH soaps on the same time so my rating would be ★★☆☆☆.
And since I started using the soaps separately, I will come back after 5 weeks to give my judgement according to their claims... also separately.
Today is April 26, 2014, Saturday. I have already tossed the Noni Mangosteen on the trash bin 5 days ago. It irritated my skin so much and the burning sensation came back. It made some red blotches on my cheeks. It also made my dry skin even more dry, totally sucking the moist out of it. But I would admit it had helped eliminate those stubborn pimples on my forehead which none of my facial wash has ever done in the past. It's just that as I watch my pores everyday, I think they're crying for help. I have developed large black heads on my nose area too. I think this is not suitable for people with dry skin like me. However, my hubby loves it and is still using it just once a day. He said this soap helped in eliminating acne on his face (he has an oily and sensitive skin).
Would I recommend it?
Probably to people who have regular acne problems and those who have oily skin. This soap is definitely not for people with dry skin.
No. I'd probably try more soaps suitable for my skin.
Rating: ★★☆☆☆
Moreover, I'm still using Collagen with Multi-fruit on my body. I don't feel any difference but yesterday I noticed some micro-peeling so maybe it really whitens. For the moisturizing part, I don't think it does do what it claims because after shower my skin feels dryer and tight. I have also read that people in their mid 20's should not use products with collagen in them yet because our body is still young and is still generating enough cells and collagen for the body. Also, collagen is supposed to be taken (supplements or injectables) for it to really work. Skin products especially the cheap ones that claim they have collagen are not really effective as it cannot penetrate the tissue on skin. I can't determine if they can reduce wrinkles.
Would I recommend it?
No. Collagen Multi-fruit soap costs 95php and I think there are more suitable products out there that can do what this soap claims for a cheaper price.
Rating: ★★★☆☆